Tuesday, June 8, 2010

McCann Spills

Global advertising agency McCann Erickson has done it again. For years they've been creating groundbreaking advertisements and making consumers and corporations look at each other in new ways. Now they are turning the creative gun on themselves and their employees with Spill. Spill isn't your 1990s intranet. For one it's a mega blog made up of more than 700 writers and it's more than a source for mining numbers and best practices.

Recently, I spoke with what I'll call a "Spill Insider" about the creation of the program and how it's impacting the organization. Also, a few lucky spillers were able to get their hands on iPads to help them with day to day blogging; wherever and whenever.

What is Spill and how did it come to be?
Spill is a blog. You basically "spill" about anything from specific topics to random banter. It's the new internal communications platform for McCann NY. It's where all employees share info and content with each other. It came about as a way to have a "flatter, faster, more open and integrated culture." It's the companies way to build digital into our daily lives so we get in the habit of integrating it into the strategy of our clients. They introduced the iPad as a tool to drive us to a more digital, open and shared work environment.

How are your colleagues responding to your spills?
I have responses from pure laughter to some of them letting me know they feel the same way. For instance, I spilled about a popular reality show character and a recent natural phenomenon. A lot of my colleagues were fully engaged about the two topics. They commented and added relevant links.

How do you think this exchange of information will impact McCann Erickson?

I think it will encourage dialogue between colleagues across all departments not just creative which I believe was part of the goal.

Even creative organizations are seeing the value of employees that don't come equipped with an English or art degree. No doubt McCann is getting insight into whom they should be courting as clients and in turn; how their clients should interact with consumers.
Faster and open is the way to go -- perhaps your company will follow suit before they get left in the dust.

We'd love to tell you more but it's a bit of a secret. And no, the "Spill Insider" is not a LLady.

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