My thirst for the best of everything, and my hunger for knowledge carried over into mamahood since I first found out I was pregnant. I read oodles of preggo guides, online forums, blogs, and magazines. But it wasn't until my 9th month that I realized I hadn't read jack about how to actually care for my newborn when it came to developing and dealing with little one's sleep patterns. So I read a zillion reviews on Amazon, ordered the cream of the crop, and devoured them.
The new way to calm crying and help your newborn baby sleep longer
This book should be handed out at the hospital. So many nurses use these exact techniques to teach new parents how to calm their newborn down by creating an environment that closely resembles the womb. Life-saver! Worked like a charm for everyone I know, and makes you feel much more competent as a brand new mommy.
Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracey Hogg
How to calm, connect and communicate with your baby
Although this woman isn't an M.D., she has the kiddie smarts of SuperNanny (her English accent even shows in her writing, love). This book is all about the importance and challenges of getting your baby on a schedule so that parenting becomes easier. She is sure to include "Me Time" in the schedule, so the book gets an instant thumbs up from me.
Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child by Marc Weissbluth M.D.
A step-by-step program for a good night's sleep
This is a no-nonsense education on what your baby needs in order to sleep, according to the baby's age. There is a strong emphasis on "accidental parenting" which the author blames for pretty much any issue your little one has with sleeping. He holds parents accountable for the ways we contribute to the baby's habits, which is invaluable when dealing with the crazy sleep patterns of baby's first year.
The Modern Mamahood Column on the Ladies Lotto Blog:
As our Ladies Lotto community grows and evolves, we now have quite a few mamas and mamas-to-be! The LL Modern Mamahood weekly column presents the issues and products related to being a Ladies Lotto Mama!
Very happy to see LL evolving with the rest of us! I appreciate this new section of the blog as I'm entering the phase of motherhood. I'm 26 weeks! Eeeeeeeee! Would love to see some traveling tips and how to be a green conscious mommy (on a dime, of course).
mazel tov girl!!!!
Congrats to you Lil Miss! How's your pregnancy coming along?
It sure is a a (wonderful) fact of life, def central to many L-Ladies. Traveling tips coming soon, and will continue to infuse and highlight the green, conscious mommy!
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