Ladies Lotto San Francisco
TFIS!! Thank F*ck It's Spring
Wednesday, May 28th
Sky Terrace of Medjool
2522 Mission St
Guest Speaker: Yetunde Schumann, Founder of the Innovative Fashion Council of SF. Ms. Schumann will discuss her vision of turning SF into the global capital of green fashion.
RSVP: sunny@ladieslotto.com
Ladies Lotto Montreal invites you to Food & Flowers, An Eco-Conscious Meal
Wednesday, May 28th
4050 Ave Colonial
$5/raffle towards a Fuschia Gift Basket
RSVP and more details: miriam@ladieslotto.com
Ladies Lotto Los Angeles
Celebrate Your Bosoms!
Wednesday, May 28th
The Standard - West Hollywood 8300 Sunset Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90069
Please RSVP amy@ladieslotto.com