Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sci-Fi Burlesque: The Next Nerdy Frontier

The Star Trek convention may have some stiff competition. The self-proclaimed nerdy burlesque dancer and producer Penny Starr, Jr. has created a niche in the burlesque community with her "Supernova A Go-Go Burlesque Show" sci-fi burlesque series. She has been performing in Los Angeles and San Diego for over six years and now is bringing her stage show to home audiences with her upcoming DVD of the same title.

Dancer "Bebe Firely" who plays the "Orion slave girl" reflects on her sci-fi shimmying: "When I become green, I become a different person. Both guys and girls love it. They're fascinated by the whole persona. It's like you're a celebrity." I'm sold.

Check out the full story on AOL "Weird News" and be sure to watch the clip of the "Three Leias." It's delightful whether or not you're a Star Wars fan! (Sidenote: I'm not entirely sure what makes this "weird" news but apparently I'm nerdy that way too!)

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