Sunday, September 19, 2010

Exercise Your Body and Spirit While Relieving Fall Allergies: Yoga Does A Runny Nose Good

I thought I'd beat allergies this season but today has proven the opposite. Sniffling, I googled fall allergies herbal remedies and came across Yoga for allergies. As a novice yogi (I received my certification through Integral Yoga last year), I do my fair share of breathing and asanas but honestly, have been slacking lately due to a significant increase in my workload. I've gone thru a box of tissues since noon, it's time to get the yoga practice back in full effect!

Here's a direct quote from Alternative Medicine Zone, see if these techniques help you out this allergy season.

Hay fever and other allergic reactions are widespread with fall in the air and ragweed pollen being rife. One answer to the coughs and runny noses and sniffles could be certain breathing exercises and yoga for allergies. While this is not an instant fix, regular practice could well offer relief –

Kapalbhati Pranayam: This consists of quick and forceful inhalations and passive exhalations. This can offer relief from a lot of allergy symptoms by clearing the nasal passage. But this breathing exercise is important to perform properly; otherwise you will end up not inhaling enough oxygen and become lightheaded.

Nadi Shodhna: If you are very congested you may not be able to perform this breathing exercise because it involves breathing in through one nostril and exhaling through the other and then switching and doing the opposite.

Yoga Asanas that may help with allergies include the Shoulder-stand or the salamba sarvangasana which can help to improve drainage of nasal passages and hence help to open them, because of the inverted pose adopted. The Bridge pose of the setu bandha sarvangasana uses the backbend to help expand the lungs and the chest improving and increasing the breathing capacity.

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