Monday, August 2, 2010

Help the Medicine Go Down

Photo by Bald Monk via Flickr

Got the new music blues? Hate receiving email after email jam-packed with a list of songs you'll never have the time to download or listen to? Well, a Spooonful is all it takes to pick you back up.

It's simple; subscribe to Spooonful's newsletter and each week, you'll get one email dedicated to a singular new sensation. You can preview the artist, purchase music immediately and even get concert tickets.
Spooonful isn't just for listeners. If you're a musician or manager, you can apply to be a featured artist too.

Ladies Lotto San Francisco's Stacy Horne is one of the brains behind Spooonful. She has more than 13 years of experience in music and events so we're pretty sure she and her partners know what they're doing.

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