Thursday, June 4, 2009

Recycling in NYC

Image via Flickr member Doonvas licensed under Creative Commons.

I thought I knew everything about recycling in New York, but this post on re-nest has got me all confused.
Did you know that only plastic bottles are recyclable in the city? It can get a little confusing knowing what to recycle or not, so see below for a quick rundown... And if you have any more info on the subject, please feel free to share.

1. Plastic bottles only. If you wouldn’t call it a bottle, it doesn’t get recycled. Yogurt containers, restaurant delivery containers and plastic cups do not make the cut. Plastic shopping bags technically don’t go with the plastic recycling, but they'll get sorted out along the way.

2. Recycle anything more than 50% metal. And it's okay to leave the labels on as they burn away when the metal is smelted.

3. Glass bottles and jars only.

4. Milk and juice cartons go in the bin with the plastic, glass and metal.

5. Recycle any and all paper, staples and all. They'll get sorted out later.

Check out NYC's Department of Sanitation for more recycling guidelines.

Via Brick Underground

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