Monday, February 9, 2009

Handy tips for Handy Women

Got some home diy fix-it projects that need tending to, but don't have the right tools for the job? Instead of shelling out cash for new tools, borrow them! Join a tool-lending library if you've got one nearby. Borrowing that utility knife, saw or drill instead of buying a new one saves natural resources (not to mention cash).

Many tool libraries even have uncommon tools like, um, vernier calipers - and most let you borrow for several days.
  • Wikipedia - list of local tool libraries.
  • Neighborrow - online directory that helps you and others in your 'hood borrow and lend stuff, including tools.
  • If you can't find one near you, try renting instead of buying (Home Depot rents big tools, for example; many independent hardware stores do the same).
  • Tribeca Hardware, 154 Chambers St. Map It (212-240-9792). Cordless drill, $25/day; $125/week.

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