Tuesday, November 18, 2008

7-Eleven getting LED upgrade

Seven Eleven Japan is planning to switch all of its new convenient stores with LED signboards and outdoor lighting in order to do its part to reduce GHG emissions. The energy-savvy effort is expected to help the chain reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 3%. That doesn’t sound like a whole heck of a lot, but when we consider the number of 7-11s that will have this reduction, it adds up quickly.

Switching to LEDs should save about 1.8 tons of carbon dioxide per store per year, with about 1,000 new stores opening each year. A question I ponder is where the heck 1,000 new stores each year are going to fit!

At any rate, the effort shows real dedication on the part of the company, which will spend over $1 billion a year for the conversion. Yet the savings will be worth it as the lights will use about 75% less energy than fluorescents.

With lights at convenience stores turned on usually 24-7, a switch to LEDs is a smart move. Other convenience stores will probably follow suit after they see what kind of savings 7-11 reaps. Now it's time for 7-Elevens in North America to follow suit...

More info here.

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