solemates...chicago - men's and women's clothing boutique and sneaker consignment
2708 N Halsted
Chicago, IL
Guest Speaker: LLCHI Member, Autumn Merritt- Owner of solemates...chicago
Autumn will be talking about her experience as a young, female entrepreneur and boutique owner
Cost: $20
Henna artist from 7:30-8:30pm
Champagne toast to LL's 2nd Year!!
RSVP: susan@ladieslotto.com
Parc La Fontaine
3933, Parc La Fontaine
defined by Sherbrooke, Papineau, Rachel and avenue du Parc-La Fontaine (the northern extension of Amherst Street) but quasi-bisected by Calixa-Lavallée Avenue
Please bring blankets and beverages of your choice.
RSVP: miriam@ladieslotto.com
462 Union Ave
RSVP: rsvpnyc@ladieslotto.com
Wear your favorite party gear, princess! Get ready for a throw back to the days of our youth with games (we have a freakin' My Little Pony Pinata!), prizes, gift bags, party favors!