Monday, June 9, 2008

Miss Rap Supreme

Ladies Night: a Rap Wrap party for ego trip's Miss Rap Supreme!

Come out and celebrate yet another successful season of television with the ego trip crew and some of the sexy and talented femmecees of the hit Vh1 show, MISS RAP SUPREME! Word.

Watch the last episode live! Watch the winner rock live! Watch some of the other hopefuls rock live!

Featuring: DJ Treats & Melo-X

Some lucky lady is about to be 100G richer. No romance without finance!
Lots of other heavy hitters in the room. Surprises. Ladies love surprises, right?

Monday, June 9th
Come thru! Doors swing wide open at 8.
Good music. Cheap booze. Ladies.
$5 (what a bargain!)

Sparks Power Hour @ 10pm!