Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sojourner Truth -Women's History Month

Sojourner Truth was a preacher, fiery orator, abolitonist, and women's rights activist who worked with Harriet Tubman, the most widely known African-American woman of the 19th century!

Truth was an illeterate former slave, was sold to several owners as a child, was married to an older slave named Thomas and had 13 childen! Truth ran away from her "master" and found protection with a Quaker family. She later started to travel around several times, went through different religious stages, and ended up at a community that was liberal with ideas such as abolitionism and feminism.

Truth worked tirelessly and actively towards that causes that she believed in. She spoke powerfully regarding black women's rights, and she worked non-stop in trying to obtain rights and equality for all.

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