Thursday, February 14, 2008


We've been saying it for a year. Seeing it for two years. They went from hating the Islamic world (well actually they still hate Muslims) to selling the kufiyah at Urban Outfitters to featuring full on hijab knock-offs on their stinky runways!

It's no coincidence that LL RIOTTT Blogger/Muse Farah Malik & LL Logo Designer Dana Arbib's* new accessories line, A Peace Treaty (which launched this week) as a reaction to all of this, is featuring a scarf collection as the first project:

*Yup, they met through Ladies Lotto!

If you like entries like this, please check Ladies Lotto out on RIOTTT.

1 comment:

RichGirl90210 said...

I love these Dresses they are very Artistic, and thats what I haven't seen in street for a minute.